HOD’s Statement

 The University of Nigeria, through this department, organized extra-mural classes in 22 centres throughout Eastern Nigeria with an average class size of 22 and courses offered in the beginning, intermediate and advanced English, Psychology, French, Law, Mathematics, Public Administration, Accounting, Stenography, Geography, Biology, Comparative Government, Public Speech and Literature.

By its roles and functions, the department came to be known as the Continuing Education Centre (C.E.C) and ran its programmers and courses in the seminar rooms, while participants were lodged in the chalets in the C.E.C. building. UNN Staff offices and lecture halls for the regular students were also located in the Continuing Education Centre building

Brief History

The Department of Adult Education and Extra-Mural Studies had existed as the Department of Extra-Mural Studies right from the inception of the University of Nigeria in 1960. The University calendar 1963-1964 indicated that there were significant increases in both the number and types of Extra-Mural Programmes offered and the number of participants..

There were 39 conference type activities carried on by the department. Some of these programmes were organized at Enugu & Nsukka campuses. The department provided  educational services to a number of occupational and professional groups. Included were teachers, farmers, police officials, businessmen, health workers, public administrators, etc. Through the services of the Division of Extra-Mural Studies, a total of 6,150 people benefited from both evening classes of the university and off-campus tutorial classes, while 12,332 benefited from the general services offered.